Get Involved
Book a Session
Developed originally as a resource for children, Godly Play is now being used with a wide range of age groups in a diversity of settings, among people with and without formal religious faith. These include churches, schools, care settings, hospitals, hospices, pre-schools, toddler groups, discipleship and outreach groups.
Additionally, sessions have been designed to explore baptism and communion and can be for individuals, families or groups.
Our Godly Play sessions perfectly complement the Torbay agreed syllabus for RE. Within the sessions, children have the opportunity to retell religious stories, wonder about what they might mean and explore deeper meaning, values and beliefs. Symbolism and rich imagery are a key part of Godly Play.
If you would like to talk further about arranging such a session, please contact us through the contact page.
Upcoming Events
Watch, Listen and Wonder.....
From The Godly Play Room at St Matthias Church
Godly Play Lessons
starting Sunday 28th June and then every two weeks
Old Testament Stories
So sit back and join the circle.... Have fun as Lena brings Old Testament stories into your home –easily accessible from our new website
and supported with parent’s notes.
Each lesson will be recognised by your child as following having the format we follow on Sundays in Church.
Resource packs - Free materials to support your children's learning will be available to go with each story. Just email to receive yours NOW in advance of the lesson!!